The DermaWand® Story
A 30-year beauty veteran, Christina Boves wanted a smaller consumer version of the big machines used by professionals.
But would a portable device really work? The picture speaks for itself! Christina treated only one side of her face for 12 weeks. The improvement on the DermaWand® side is obvious. With this photo, the DermaWand® skin care phenomenon was launched.
More than 20 years later, DermaWand® is still an international sensation with over 2 million sold in 65 countries.
What Does DermaWand® Do?
Reduces the appearance offine lines and wrinkles
Improves the look of your skin texture and tone
Gives eyes the open and lifted look
The Science Behind DermaWand®

Thermal Energy
DermaWand's® gently delivers thermal energy to the dermal areas under your skin’s surface, increasing dermal skin temperature to support a natural healthy look.

Enriched Oxygen
DermaWand® gives off enriched oxygen, which bathes the skin during treatment. This helps breathe new life into your skin’s surface while also reducing pore size. You’ll recognize the smell as a fresh “after rainstorm” fragrance.

Instant Stimulation
DermaWand® delivers a gentle current at 100,000 cycles per second, producing a massage effect. This helps improve circulation and brings fresh blood, oxygen and nutrients to the skin’s surface.
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